The Director General of the HACA presents a review on the human resources management to the personnel
Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji, Director General of the HACA, held, Tuesday September 5th, a meeting with the personnel of the High Authority, to present the assessment of the first semester of 2017 concerning the human resources management.
To strengthen the functioning of the high authority and expand the sharing and circulation of information within the institution, Mr. Naji went through the main statistics and analysis related to HACA staff, emphasizing particularly the outputs and figures relating to management and monitoring indicators recorded for the first half of 2017 in terms of numbers (150 users), attendance, training…etc.
Mr. Naji also shed light on the number of managers, officials, and agents of the institution according to their status and gender. In this regard, he revealed that senior managers account for 36% of the institution, and that the statutory post personnel is predominant compared to the contractual staff, while the data on gender equality (around 48% women) and the integration of people with special needs (3%) has witnessed a rise during the last twelve months.
Mr. Naji drew the attention to the high rate of absenteeism too, especially in June, and in departments more than others. He nonetheless emphasized the encouraging figures of the total number of the personnel who have benefited from national and international targeted training adapted to their different occupations and profiles.
The Director General also highlighted the low interest accorded, generally, to the different intern communication tools available to all the staff, especially electronic reading lamps, as he encouraged the audience to make use of them, and of the intranet which will soon gather all the files related to the human resources of the HACA and the professional, social and cultural information useful to the staff.