The reform of the national audio-visual landscape passed from a status of ambition to concrete realizations. This reform shows Morocco’s intention to develop democracy through the consecration of the pluralism, the strengthening of the foundations of the state of right and of institutions and the guarantee of practicing the freedom of speech and opinion, in a spirit of responsibility.
Indeed, the creation of the High Authority for Audio-visual Communication, the removal of the state monopoly as regards radio and television besides the promulgation of the law concerning the audio-visual communication are important steps in a process that aims at modernizing the audio-visual public sector, favouring the establishment of private companies of radio and television in clear, reflexive, normative and institutional surroundings, and consecrating in this way the double freedom of communication and enterprise, through a regulate liberalization by an independent administrative authority.
It is in this context that His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, in his throne discourse of July 2002 has stated: “… Within the framework of the mission which is devolved to Us by the Constitution in protecting the rights and the freedom of the citizens, the social groups and the communities, we worked at the elaboration of a Dahir bearing the creation of a high authority for the audio-visual communication, as an independent institution, having the means to assume its mission with impartiality”.
The High Authority for Audio-visual Communication (HACA: Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle) was thus established under the Dahir n°1-02-212 of August 31, 2002. It is an independent administrative body responsible for regulating the audio-visual communication sector. Its main mission is to ensure the respect of the principles of pluralism and freedom of speech in the audio-visual communication sector and compliance to the fundamental civilisational values and the laws of the Kingdom.
The High Authority for Audio-visual Communication consists of the Higher Council of Audio-visual Communication, (CSCA: Conseil Supérieur de la Communication Audiovisuelle), the deliberative body of the HACA and of the General Directorate of Audio-visual Communication (DGCA: Direction Générale de la Communication Audiovisuelle), the administrative and technical structure of the HACA.