
Communication of the Supreme Council for Audiovisual Communication concerning the audiovisual media coverage of Al-Haouz earthquake
Deepening the achievements to guarantee citizens' right to a trusted information

The HACA Equipping The HAC In Mali with The software “HACA Media Solutions” (HMS)
The High Authority for Communication (HAC) launched, during an official ceremony held on Tuesday January 15th 2019 in Bamako, the “HACA MEDIA SOLUTIONS” (HMS) that have been subject to implementation at the headquarters of the HAC since December 24th, 2018, by the IT engineers of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA).
Ms. Akharbach receives a delegation representing special UN Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication Ms. Latifa Akharbach received, Wednesday December 20th, 2018, in the headquarters of the institution, a delegation representing Ms. Tindayee Achium Special UN Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

The HACA Elected Unanimously as Vice President of The African Communication Regulation Authorities Network for The Period 2019-2020
The High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA) was unanimously elected, on Friday, December 14th 2018, as Vice President of the African Communication Regulation Authorities Network (ACRAN) for the period 2019-2020.

The HACA In Marrakech to Call for the Promotion of Good Practices in Media Migration Coverage
President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA) Ms. Latifa Akharbach, called, on December 8th, 2018 in Marrakech, for the promotion of an accurate, equitable and ethical media coverage of the issue of migration.

Active participation of the HACA in the ITU PP18 held in Dubai alongside ANRT and the Ministry of Industry, Investment, Trade and Digital Economy
The 18th edition of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union ( that is organized every four years), was held this year in Dubai from October 29th to November 16th 2018. This edition shed light on the election of Morocco to the Executive Board and the Radio Regulations Board after winning the votes with a satisfactory result of 130 votes out of 180 present member of the ITU. This success came as an expected reward to the undeniable efforts of the different Moroccan delegation members in order to achieve the goals set during the PP17 that was held in Busan 2014 (South Korea) with the active participation of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA).

The 60th Session of the EAO Executive Committee Confirms Morocco’s Presidency for 2020
The 60th session of the European Audio-visual Observatory (EAO) Executive Committee gathered the 41 member countries and the EU on November 8th at the Europe Council headquarters in Strasbourg. This session was marked by the confirmation of assigning the 2020 presidency of the Committee to Morocco, the only non-European member of the Observatory, represented by Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji, Director General of the High Authority for Audio-visual Communication (HACA) and President of the network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication (ORBICOM). After France presiding this year in the person of Ms. Elizabeth le Hot, Director of the French Ministry of Culture, who conducted the work for this 60th session, the 2019 presidency of the EAO’s Executive Committee was assigned to Italy

The HACA Equipping the HAAC with its Monitoring Program “HACA MEDIA SOLUTIONS”
After equipping six African countries and Belgium with the HACA program “HMS”, which is a computerized and automatic monitoring program treating and analyzing audiovisual content, it is time for the High Authority for Audiovisual and Communication (HAAC) in the Togolese Republic to boast this system that has been made in Morocco. On November 5th, the Director General of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication( HACA), Mr. Jamal Eddine Naji, Presided a team from the HACA who delivered the final equipment and software to the HAAC headquarters where its President Mr. Telou Pitaloulani and Mr. Naji headed an inauguration ceremony for the implementation of the HACA system. Furthermore, 20 Togolese employees received certificates confirming to who have benefited from a targeted training of three weeks supervised by the IT System Department of the HACA, i.e. its Director Mr. Najib Bouezmari and Mr. Adil Bourbate, technical and equipment Manager.

Five Principal Directors in the Canadian Public Sector on a visit to The HACA
Following the various institutional exchanges between the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA), Canada’s National Public Broadcaster (CBC/ Radio Canada) and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), five central directors from the Canadian Public Audiovisual Broadcaster (Francophone) carried out a business mission to exchange expertise with the technical and content departments in the Moroccan High Authority, from 22nd to 25th October, 2018.