The HACA in the International Conference on “Social Media, Regulation and Electoral process”
The High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA) participated, on October 17th and 18th, 2018, in the international conference organized by the Tunisian Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HAICA) on “ Social Media, regulation and electoral process”, as part of the International Organisation of la Francophonie (REFRAM) road map 2018/2019 implementation.
This meeting, focusing on media regulators work and electoral instances, shed light on the stakes related to the new functions of social media and the digital platforms during the elections season.
The representatives of the HACA namely, Mr. Mohammed Galaoui and Mr. Talaa Saoud Atlassi, members of the Supreme Council of Audiovisual Communication, as well as Mr. Salah Ahanchi and Ms. Jamila Lamnate, personnel at the General Directorate of Audiovisual Communication, participated in the conference devoted to the following main thematics: the regulation of political communication in an ecosystem of digital media, the partnership between media regulation instances and those responsible for elections’ organization, and the regulator’s role in terms of preventing hate speeches in social media.
Anent their interventions, HACA representatives presented the first results showing the state of social media usage by Moroccan political parties especially compared with the political communication activities in audiovisual media.
Aligned with this event, a restricted meeting was held between the members of the REFRAM to review future REFRAM projects. Hence, concrete propositions and recommendations regarding the network’s evolution will be presented during the 6th conference of the REFRAM Presidents expected in Autumn 2019.