The BBC shares with HACA its experience of audiovisual regulation and archives
In its constant and earnest bid to share an exploratory and anticipatory reflection on the models of regulation at the international level, the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA) hosted, on November 24 and 25, 2015, managers from the BBC, in the framework of a study event about “Regulation and public service in UK” on one hand, and a technical workshop on “Managing audiovisual archives in the BBC”, on the other hand.
The BBC delegation, which was composed of Mr. Richard Hutt, Complaint Director, Mr. Simon Rooks, Director at the BBC Archives, and Mrs. Catherine Derrick, Senior Adviser in Editorial Policy, had the opportunity to share with persons in charge and executives from HACA and their guests (public and private broadcasters, representatives of interested national institutions…) the UK experience, and to expose the standards and good practices of the BBC in terms of regulation of public service and complaint handling.
Moreover, the technical workshop, organized on November 25 at the HACA’s head office, offered knowledge about the organization type, management and use devoted by the BBC, a quasi-centenary institution, to audiovisual archives that are unique and rich by all standards: varied, dating back to the beginning of the previous century –a century of radio, photography, cinema, and television- and considered as an inestimable treasure and a collective memory of UK, and humankind in general.
In addition to these two meetings, the BBC delegation met with the HACA’s managers and was informed upon the experience of the latter in the fields of documentation, program storage and monitoring, as well as the follow up of broadcasters and technical watch.