Recommendation of the CSCA n° 1-11 of June 16, 2011 relating to the guarantee of pluralistic expression of currents of thought and opinion in the audiovisual media during the period of the consultation for the referendum of 2011
In the framework of its mission aiming to guarantee the pluralistic expression of currents of thought and opinion in the media in accordance with the provisions of Dahir n° 1-02-212, of August 31, 2002, bearing the creation of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication, the law n° 77.03 related to the media, and the law n° 9-97 forming the elections code and the texts taken for its application, the Higher Council of Audiovisual Communication – CSCA – adopted, in June 16, 2011, the Decision n°27-11 bearing the adoption of recommendation n° 01-11 related to the guarantee of pluralistic expression of currents of thought and opinion in the media during the period of the consultation for the referendum of 2011.
Noting the historical dimension of the constitutional reform and inspired by the speech of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI of March 9, 2011, calling for a collective commitment to achieve this great national goal, this recommendation is a reminder that one of the primary roles of the media consists of enlightening the citizen in his choices, to help him form freely his opinion, to exercise his voting rights, whose effectiveness is conditioned by the guarantee of the honest and pluralistic character of the information in the media.
In this respect, the CSCA pronounced a series of principles and deontological rules that should be observed by the audiovisual media, public and private, during the period of the consultation for the referendum, starting immediately after the official public communication of the new constitution project of the Kingdom and extending to the day before the ballot day at midnight.
Thus, reaffirming the entire electoral freedom, the CSCA recommends to the broadcasters to open their programs, during the period of the consultation for the referendum, to all currents of thought and opinion, as well as to all concerned political, union, economic, academic, cultural and social actors. The CSCA recommends equally to these broadcasters to ensure the balance between the plurality of views, in every program, on the basis of a policy of equity and diversity, in total respect of legal provisions in effect besides deontological rules commonly accepted.
Furthermore, the High Authority will watch over, in the framework of its missions of a posteriori control, the respect by the public broadcasters of the regulatory mechanism set up by the Government aimed at guaranteeing to all legally constituted political parties and unions, the equal access to public media, through direct expression pertaining to the referendum.
Finally, news non-related to the constitutional reform will continue to be governed by the Decision of the CSCA n° 46-06 of September 27, 2006 relating to the rules that guarantee pluralism of the expression of currents of thought and opinion in the media services in ordinary time.