President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication receives Director General of the Moroccan Copyright Office (MCO)
Under prerogatives of the High Authority aiming at establishing cooperation and partnership with different national organisms sharing the same objectives, the Director General of MCO Mr. KENKARI Ismail was received on Thursday 11 May 2017 by President of the HACA Ms. Amina Lemrini Elouahabi in the High Authority’s headquarters. This meeting, attended by Mr. Mohammed Abderrahim, member of the Higher Council of the Audiovisual Communication and Mr. El Mahdi Aroussi Idrissi, Director of Legal Studies, mainly intended to consolidate and reaffirm cooperation between the two institutions regarding copyright and related rights, in the light of the importance of the promotion of respect for these rights in the audiovisual communication. The talks also helped to highlight the issues and challenges in connection with this matter, and to further discuss about the mechanisms to be put in place to guarantee a better implementation of this protection.