The Software Package HMS
Receive, digitize, store and archive TV and Radio programs : national, regional and local channels (used since 2009)
Media library à watch/listen to TV and Radio programs, live or previously broadcasted: recorded (used since 2009)
Control of political Pluralism during normal or election period (used since 2007)
HMS Acquisition

This software allows TV and Radio signals reception 24/24 and 7/7, recording, storage and archive for analog and digital video and audio broadcast, or via satellite.
The main strength of this software is the recording, in central and remote platform, of programs broadcasted by distant Radio channels which signal is not received in the Headquarters.
System Diagram: Reception and Recording of Radio channels in HACA

System Diagram: Reception and Recording of TV channels in HACA

System requirements
- Signal reception and distribution Platform:
- FM, UHF, VHF and parabolic antennas.
- Signal ,and audio and video amplifiers/distributers.
- FM tuners, digital receivers (for satellite and digital terrestrial signals).
- Media storage and archiving Platform :
- Workstations equipped with « HMS Acquisition »: 2 Workstations for each TV or Radio Channel to record
- audio/video converters
- A Network infrastructure allowing the interconnection of the different workstations.
System Diagram: Reception and Recording of Distant Radio channels

Regional installations throughout MOROCCO

Regional HMS Stations
Casablanca |
Fes |
Tangier |
Marrakech |
Agadir |
Tetouan |
Meknes |
Oujda |
Laayoun |
Dakhla |
System requirements (Regions)
Installation of an FM antenna.
Signal amplifier and distributer.
2 FM tuners per Radio channel.
- Programs recording and storage:
Workstations equipped with « HMS Acquisition »: 2 workstations for each Radio Channel to record
- Signal streaming and Media file transfer
An 8 MB/s (min) Internet (ADSL) connection with a fixed IP address in the regional site, and another 20 MB/s (min) Internet (ADSL) connection with a fixed IP address in HACA headquarters.
- HMS Regions: since summer 2007
- 2 TB External Hard Drives are used. Each single disk stores:
- 1 year storage for 1 TV channel, or
- 1 year storage for 8 Radio channels
- Total Backup: Every recorded and stored signal, either in Rabat (HACA site) or in regions, is done concurrently by Two separate equipments à Machines backup, Disks Backup

HMS Media Library

The system gives access, via HMS-Acquisition, to audio-visual programs, live or pre-recorded: an easy access available to all the staff in HACA

HMS Media Library functionalities
- Watch/listen to live broadcast
- Watch/listen to recorded programs
- Play a program from an external source
- Annotate and comment a program or a program sequence with the possibility to attach a document or a file
- Download a program or a sequence with the possibility to export for further use
- Exchange between different users. The functionality « Annotation and Monitoring » enables program and sequence processing, annotation, comments, document or file attachment, and exchange with other users.
HMS Pluralism

Operational since 2007
This solution allows statement counting and timing for political, union and professional personalities on TV and Radio channels in normal or election period.
The solution configuration is based on the rules prescribed in decisions relating to political pluralism in normal and election period.
(Patent OMPIC N°29818 03-10-2008)
WIPO: World Intellectual and Property Organization

- HMS Pluralism operates with a Database of political, union and professional personalities. This database is updated on a regular bases.
- Statement counting is based on how a personality is represented: as a minister, a political party member, professional…

(Example of Results)

(Obligations of decision 46-06)

2011 Elections : Distribution by political parties for Radio Nationale 

Type émission
Nb Emission
Nb Intervenant
Nb intervention
Volume horaire
Magazines infos
Final Report Edition

Search Module
Multi-criteria Search module

Media sequences list

2007 Elections: Convention : HACA - media public sector 13 March 2007


Technical Monitoring
- Technical monitoring allows live and continuous video and audio signal control
- The different screens show a mosaic of TV, and Radio programs (with the name of each channel) as they are being recorded
- It allows viewing direct audio and video streaming from the recording servers (main and back-up)
- Another feature is the remote access control of every machine in
- the « IT room » as well as in the different regions of Morocco where HMS is installed à centralized management
System Diagram of Monitoring and Remote Control


National Audiovisual Services: 57

Media Storage and Archiving

A complete and Turnkey Solution and expertise

TV and Radio Programs Monitoring Technical System in HACA
The Software Package « HMS »
International Cooperation
Support for programs monitoring
International Support

CSC Niger 2016 
- Signature of the agreement on October 12th 2015
- Installation on January 2016;
- Data center to record :
- Software installation and training:
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism;
- Supervisor’s room design;
- Reception of two trainees at HACA from 16 to 20 November 2015.
HAICA Tunisia 2014 
- Installation August 2014;
- Data center to record :
- 42 Radios (18 distant)
- 24 TVs
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism;
- Design of 3 rooms for 30 supervisors;
- Setting control screens for programs recording;
HAAC Benin 2014 
- Installation from 01 to 14 June 2014;
- Data Center to record:
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism;
- Design of a room for 12 supervisors;
- Setting control screens for programs recording;
CNRA Senegal 2014 
- Installation from 13 to 30 April 2014;
- Data Center to record :
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism
- Support Mission from 25 to 31 May 2014 :
- M. Nadir Taher, DSP et Mme Amal Haider, UIQ.
- Design of a room for 16 supervisors;
- Setting control screens for programs recording;

HAPA Mauritania 2013 
- Installation from 26 June to 08 July 2013
- Data Center to record :
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism;
- Support Mission for:
- Legislative Elections of 23 November 2013

- Presidential Elections of 21 June 2014
CSA Belgium 2011 
- Installation at Brussels from 05 to 25 June 2011
- Data Center to record :
- 18 FM Radios
- 18 IP Radios
- 36 TVs (hertzian, cable, Digital)
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Sampling;
- Maintenance Mission at Brussels from 13 to 16 January 2014
- Support request for the relocation to the new premises in June 2015
HCC Tchad 2011 
- Training mission in Tchad from 25 to 27 October 2010
- M. Noureddine AFAYA, Ex. Member of CSCA
- Installation at N'Djamena from 08 to 15 May 2011
- Data Center to record :
- Software installation and training :
- HMS Acquisition;
- HMS Media Library;
- HMS Pluralism;
- Design of a room for 8 supervisors;
- HACA received two trainees from HCC :
- M. Ali Abatcha, Webmaster and in charge of monitoring (April 2013)
- M. Nouri Aboutiman, Technical Manager (September 2014)

Several countries have expressed their interest in HMS solution :





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